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A Letter from Ella's mom

From Ella's MOM.

Our sweet Ella Bleu (or better known to us as just BOO) has always been a fighter. Since the day she was born she could light up a room with her smile and loveable soul. She loves to dig in the dirt and play Barbie and more than anything dress up like a princess.

When she was two she was diagnosed with Alopecia, an auto immune disease that makes your body attack your hair follicles. When she was three most of her hair had fallen out and we had to shave it. Through all of that she still put on her princess dresses and reminded her dad and I that even if she was bald she was still beautiful. To this day each time we brush her hair she thanks God for letting it grow back.

This past July we noticed Ella was not herself. She was losing weight and drinking a lot of fluids. Long story short we were sent straight to Chapel Hill from the ER. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This would change her sweet carefree life forever.

We spent days in the hospital getting prepared for the hardest challenge we have ever faced. Ella has good days and bad days. She is so strong and resilient but everything she does must now be premeditated. From eating to staying the night off to dance and gymnastics. It is all centered around her diabetes and managing it.

I remind her that she has diabetes because she is so sweet and God knew she could handle it. But it rips at my heart when she tells me she doesn’t want diabetes, she doesn’t want the shot that will keep her alive, she doesn’t want to be woken up at 2:00 in the morning to have her sugar tested. What 5 yr. old would? But she does it. She holds out her finger for that anticipated prick, She waits before she can eat, She picks the spot the needle will pierce her precious skin over and over and over agian. She does this 4 times a day every day. She will endure this for the rest of her life. But through it she remains our sweet, amazing, smart, funny 5 yr. old who makes everyday count.

A little about mom:
Since Ella needs shots 4 times a day, Ella's mom decided it would be best for her to quit her job to stay home and care for Ella. She is there for Ella when Ella needs her most, during those dreadful shots.

A little about dad:
After Ella was diagnosed reality about finances  and medical bills set in.  Ella's dad works two jobs and is away from his family much more now.

Needles For Shots

Ella & Her Mom

Ella & Her Brother

Ella Bleu's Crew


Type 1 Diabetes

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